About Me

Welcome I believe that the best state of being is maintaining peace and balance within one's self. When I am experiencing my own optimal well-being I can bring that energetically into massage sessions given for the benefit of others.  As a longti...


My therapeutic massage practice is located in Kitsap County, Washington. . .

where I have worked professionally for over two years. I offer three different styles of massage, and will assess each clients needs during a brief screening and health history review. The most popular modality I use is an integrated style derived from Swedish and deep tissue techniques combined with meridian and reflexive point acupressure to sooth, stimulate, and balance the flow of energy. Whether you seek relief from sore over used muscles, chronic pain due to structural imbalances, daily stress, or well-being maintenance to improve the quality of your energy, together we can develop an effective treatment plan. Most importantly each session is tailored to your needs with focused and individualized attention, which leaves you feeling energetically balanced, whole, and revitalized.

Thank you for visiting this website, I look forward to helping you achieve your health goals. Please see the "Services and Rates" page for more information about my practice. I have several location options for appointments, and accept payment at the time of your appointment, or in advance for gift certificates. Call or email to set up an appointment- go to the "Contact Me" page. 


Jennifer S. Horner, LMP

WA Lic. #MA60133002